Acts Against Ethics

Presenting, whether partially or completely, other people’s ideas, methods, data, applications, articles, works, and designs without appropriate scholarly citations, as if they belonged to the student himself/herself.

Translating a book, article, etc. and presenting it as student’s own work.

Preparing a presented or published document that contradicts the facts, changing a document, or deliberately using such a document.

Making up data that has no connection with research and reporting and publishing such data.

Showing a research that has not been done as if it has.

Sending the same results of a research to multiple journals or publishing these results.

(The repetition of a publication can be accepted as long as the contents to be published are connected with multiple fields of specialization, or when there is a benefit for the publication of the data in a different language. In such cases, getting approval from both publishers is required.)

Breaking the results of a research into pieces so that the coherence of the research in question is spoilt and producing a number of publications in this way.

Unfair Authorship:
Including unrelated persons into the category of authors while excluding people with active contribution from the category of authors and changing the order of authors without any reason and in an inappropriate way.

(Authorship requires contribution to the processes of the design of the work and the collection, analysis, and evaluation of data. Contribution only in terms of typing does not entitle one to the right of authorship.)

Other Types of Ethics Violations:
Excessive quoting in publications without adhering to rules of scholarship.

(When using any articles, collections, books, and related publications, whether unpublished or published in scholarly publications and/or similar publications of general interest, the study in question should be indicated as a source in accordance with rules of scholarly publication. Apart from propositions like universally known scientific theories and mathematical theorems and their proofs, neither the translation nor the original version of the works can be published as a whole or partially without obtaining approval or providing citation.)

Excluding the name of the student and/or his/her advisor in publications from Master’s and Ph.D. theses.

In studies that receive support, not clearly stating the supporting persons, institutions, or foundations and their contributions to the study.

Violating ethical rules in interviews and discussions done for research.

Making misleading, false, or incomplete statements to the members of an academic jury.

*In these definitions, the text published on 30.01.2007 by the Interuniversity Board Ethics Committee based on the experience of application of certain universities’ and scientific commissions’ definitions has been used.

Son Güncelleme: 15:25:27 - 09.12.2015